Monday, 4 June 2012

Trying to Get Tattoo Removed is neither Free Nor Pain Free

Hands up in you have ever had a tattoo! If your hand is raised then you belong to the group of people, who will at some point in their lives, feel a twinge of regret. Millions of people have had a tattoo put on their body, face or head and for thousands, this is a decision that they wish they had never made. There is a growing trend among people to try and have their tattoo removed and the most effective way to do this is through the use of laser tattoo removal treatments.

The idea of decorating your body goes back thousands of years and has been practiced in many parts of the world, using different methods. In the western world, the art of tattooing has grown rapidly and is now a huge business industry. In America alone there are ten million people who have had a tattoo done, at some expense and pain too. Having a tattoo done is quite painful for some people but only slightly uncomfortable for others, depending on their threshold of pain. The same applies for laser tattooremoval. Most people find that they need a topical anaesthetic whereas for some people it is possible to endure the pain for a while, and there are still others who require a general anaesthetic.

The pain and expense of having a tattoo removed will be greater than that of having it done in the first place so if you are considering having a tattoo, please consider it carefully. About 17% of people regret having had one and try to get it removed. In the olden days, people even used to try rubbing or injecting the area with things such as wine, garlic, lime and even pigeon excrement!It is essential to go a qualified and experienced person to have tattoos removed.

Then laser treatments such as dermabrasion, salabrasion, which used salt, cryosurgery and excision, which are still used today along with skin grafts for larger areas. The best and latest additions to these treatments are the Q-switched lasers, which became commercially available in the 1990’s. There are different types of Q-switched lasers, each for the different ranges of the colour spectrum. A tattoo laser needs to be capable of emitting adequate energy within the absorption spectrum of the pigment.
pharrelltatremove Trying to Get Tattoo Removed is neither Free Nor Pain FreeThe way that these laser tattoo removal treatments work is that the laser reacts with the ink in the tattoo, causing it to break down and be absorbed in to the body. Once it is absorbed, the skin that is left has a slightly elevated white discolouration, and acts like normal fading from the sun and time. There is rarely any scarring but the extent of removal and any side effects depend on factors such as age, general health, immune system, diet, and exercise and sleep patterns. Also the colour of the tattoo makes a difference, with darker colours such as black and blue being removed more successfully.

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